
Club news and info

We would love to hear about any cycling related event or news in the area.

Please drop us a line on the contact page

The Hythe Cycling Club is affiliated to British Cycling

Recycle your old tyres and inner tubes

Recycle your old tyres and inner tubes

Romney Cycles are the collection hub for Velorim, The National Bicycle Tyre Recycling Scheme. Take your old bike tyres and inner tubes to Steve, pay the national recycling levy (tubes 20p, bicycle tyres 50p) and reduce waste going to landfill....

January 2022 Committee Meeting

January 2022 Committee Meeting

The next HCC Committee meeting is Monday 24th January 2022.  If you have any questions or discussion points that you want your committee to consider, let them know via email

November cafe stop at the IP…or there abouts

November cafe stop at the IP…or there abouts

A shorter than usual ride today - riders set off on a fine, if chilly November morning intending to sample the delights of the Independent Pedaler. After the usual short climb up London Road we were greeted by the low morning winter sun as we traversed the top of the...

Club Kit Update

Club Kit Update

The New kit order has arrived. Andre will be delivering it to the Sailing Club this Sunday 21st November from 11.30 to 12.30am. Thanks for collecting or arranging collection at this time.    

HCC Autumn 2021 Committee Meeting

HCC Autumn 2021 Committee Meeting

15th November 2021 Your committee are meeting next Monday.  If you have any items you wish them to discuss, please send an email to the club address:

Folkestone Vaccination Centres – Help Required

Folkestone Vaccination Centres – Help Required

Our friends at Shepway Sports Trust have asked if we can share the message below They are asking for volunteers to help at the Folkestone Covid Vaccination Centres. If anyone is able to help, please respond as detailed in the copy of the email below. Thank you. to...

KM Big Bike Ride Sportive

KM Big Bike Ride Sportive

Sportives are Back! The KM Charity Team has emailed the Club with this information and we have confirmed with them that they are being organised and run in compliance with British Cycling Covid-19 Guidelines and that they have received Local Authority permission....

HCC Club Ride Status and Covid-19 update June 30th

HCC Club Ride Status and Covid-19 update June 30th

Statement on resumption of organised rides for Hythe Cycling Club during the Covid-19 pandemic 2020 Current British Cycling advice on club and group rides dated 18th June advises club rides can take place with groups of up to 6 riding together while adhering to the 2m...

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